Think times get rough for everyone and sometimes we make those decisions which sometimes just don't feel right to us as Chantelle has found and me as well,don't know if it's that christmasy spirit that somehow finds your heart but,whatever turnovers happen it's all good,Chantelle followed her heart and here she is which we are all thankful and we are so blessed to have her.This past year i've lost three of my rescues which put me in quite a tailspin two just a month and a half ago so i kinda got a little lost didn't think i was going to stay in rescue but,then another soul entered my life after Bear passed in way i believe bear sent this one to me and now i'm back very much involved in rescue and i'm also on our events committee here which i never thought would happen.You kjnow sitting here and looking out at all this snow and these beautiful mountians i truly believe of that spirit"that lives within us all as it guides us all and enhances our lives which keeps us all so very blessed.So for everyone out there who may feel a bit undecided,i think one word makes everything possible "Believe'let your heart guide you and feel how blessed you truly are.Chantelle your are a true blessing not just to us but,to yourself and all those who love you,this is the greatest gift.Love,angelpugs