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Thread: Help me make this Christmas the best ever for my family

  1. #1

    :gift: Help me make this Christmas the best ever for my family

    Hi Everyone,

    A little background. I have always loved the holiday season which I pretty much say is from October to the New Year. My parents always made such a big deal out of this time of year. They made everything special for me.

    My son is 8 and I have tried to make so many special moments for him. This year my dad's health has declined a lot. We are going out of town this year for Thanksgiving and Christmas a renting a house so we can all wake up together on the holidays and try to make this year extra special incase it is the last for my dad. I want my family to really feel the magic of the season.

    I am here to plan and look for ideas to plus this holiday season. I'd love ideas and help along the way.

  2. #2
    Oops I posted this in the wrong place!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Connecticut, USA
    thatextramom! Glad you could join us!

    That sounds like a great plan to get everyone together- your parents must be thrilled to celebrate like that again. I love when we're all together.

    Not sure what you all did growing up, but we like to be out amongst people on Christmas Eve, before we come back home (church, going out to eat, visiting the neighbors, etc)- it increases the festiveness for us. I would go caroling, if I could sing. Maybe there's some Christmas goings on around where you'll be renting a house?
    Sometimes my sister will get us all Christmas pajamas to wear Christmas Eve.
    A couple years we put small gifts at each place at the Christmas breakfast table (set up the night before).
    I know chocolatechip on here has a lot of family over and they go through photo/memory albums to reminisce. Maybe you could put copies of past Christmas photos all around the house to remind everyone of happy memories.

    I like to surround myself with music, books, lights, greenery, so I'm immersed in the atmosphere. Will you be decorating the house? Do you think others in your family would enjoy helping you plan? Or would you rather do it all yourself and surprise them? Maybe you could each bring some decorations, that way there will be some nostalgia... My sisters and I are planners and list makers, so half the fun is imagining and talking things out.
    For Thanksgiving, we watch the parade by a fire (I start eating the pumpkin pie at that time ) and finish the cooking. I had bought a flag football set for us to play after the parade, but we've never had a chance to use it, what with injuries and poor weather.

    I hope you find plenty of inspiration on here and have a great time- anticipating it and just being with those you love!
    The holly's up, the house is all bright, The tree is ready, the candles alight; Rejoice and be glad, all children tonight.

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