Ok guys whats the one tradition you want to carry on...Mine has to be Decorating the house with my children and grandchildren...Christmas is the time of year when you get all the family together and enjoying every minute of it
Ok guys whats the one tradition you want to carry on...Mine has to be Decorating the house with my children and grandchildren...Christmas is the time of year when you get all the family together and enjoying every minute of it
I carry on in my moms memory,the house is all decorated for christmas about the week before thanksgiving and all lights are on shining bright and i bake and do confections right up till christmas eve day and i also do the little family get togethers we have a couple before christmas eve and christmas eve is just family as is christmas day.Another part of this tradition is listening to Perry Como and Bing Crosby also christmas eve we watch White Christmas together,it's our special time as family and later we unwrap one gift which is also part of the tradition.silver-bells-22144955.jpg
I host Christmas dinner, but my menu is not the same as my mother's at all. I don't think I use one of her recipes for Christmas. The one tradition I do carry on is to have Christmas crackers (the kind you pull, not the kind you eat) on the table. I actually have told people it is the one tradition I brought with me from Canada!
Christmas Crackers are one of my favourite traditions, I can't believe it's not common in the US! It's quite common in Canada, and SUPER common here in the UK (obviously).
I really like the tradition I started of Paper Advent calendars (not just the chocolate ones). I bought one for my daughter's 2nd Christmas while we still lived in Canada and used it every year till last year when we moved to London - we bought TWO new ones last year because they're REALLY COMMON HERE.
Starting to think I just love British Traditions... I might be Canadian, but my heart has always been English (so It's lucky I get to live here now!)
"Christmas: it's not the giving, it's not the getting, it's the loving." - Garfield
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I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
Christmas Crackers are one of my favourite traditions, I can't believe it's not common in the US! It's quite common in Canada, and SUPER common here in the UK (obviously).I don't get why they aren't more popular here. They are available, and obviously I am not the only one buying them, but everyone has told me the first time they've ever seen them, is on my dinner table.
All day Christmas is something we did ever since I was young and now I do with my family and friends. It's done the weekend before the 25th. You stay in pjs all day. Have a huge breakfast, watch holiday movies, play family games, inside caroling then finish the night with looking at Christmas lights. We usually have about 30-40 people in house and is always a blast.
A Christmas hug should last a lifetime
WOW That's a lot!
Another tradition that started since I got married was going to see a film on Christmas Day. I missed this past year because they close the movie theatres in London on Christmas Day (gasp!), so we may have to move the Tradition to Boxing Day (for non-Canadian/British folks: The day after Christmas).
"Christmas: it's not the giving, it's not the getting, it's the loving." - Garfield
I'm Admin of AllThingsChristmas Forum - Click Here to Message Me with questions or if you need help!
Christmas crackers arnt really a tradition here in our household...We have always got them on the Dinner table at Christmas