I would like to hear if you guys have been noticing the past few years their are a huge decline in family and friends receiving christmas cards...Is it getting to the stage that sending christmas cards are a thing of the past.![]()
I would like to hear if you guys have been noticing the past few years their are a huge decline in family and friends receiving christmas cards...Is it getting to the stage that sending christmas cards are a thing of the past.![]()
Yes it's been declining for the last 15 years. I used to receive cards from almost everyone I sent to. Now I get about 45 to 50 cards and send about 65 - down from a high of 110! It really makes me sad, but i have been eliminating people from my list once I go 3 years without receiving a card in return. There are several people I've noticed who send cards every other year. Miss it terribly!
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
This is a tradition that's unfortunately fading away fast. We still send out around 85-90, and we usually receive about 50.
"The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear."
Yes. Between my family and friends I send out about 50-60 and I only get back between 40-50.. So those who don't send back 2 years in a row, I stop sending starting the 3rd year. It tells me they just are not interested. and I'm ok with that.
A Christmas hug should last a lifetime
I'm sure that with all the instant cards and greetings that can be sent and obtained over cell phones, the old fashioned greeting card exchange is dying some. But I enjoy sending them and receiving them (the sending is the best part). I always keep six of my favorite cards received and place them in a frame I have set aside for just that purpose. They remain until the following year.
And hey... nothing from stopping us in 2018!!!![]()
"Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps, means a little bit more!"
Ours have dwindled quite a bit over the last 10 years. We used to have them everywhere, now it's looking rather sparse.
I know the thought is there with e-cards, but I much prefer getting an actual card- seems warmer, and I like the tradition. Christmastime is one of the few times I actually enjoy looking through the mail.
The holly's up, the house is all bright, The tree is ready, the candles alight; Rejoice and be glad, all children tonight.
Like most things these days, the electronic world has seemed to take the lead. But for Christmas, I still see tons of cards in the stores. To me, it seems much more personal to go through the slight effort of buying, writing a note, signing, addressing and then mailing the cards. It is still the simplest gestures that carry the most weight. BTW mine are almost done for this year, but I will wait till Thanksgiving to send them out...![]()
"Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps, means a little bit more!"
not mailing any this year![]()
As many i know will be doing e-cards as my family will be doing this it's the 12 days of christmas so all twelve days everyone will get an e-card including christmas morning as so many will be doing these mainly because of covid.They do have many beautiful ones my neighbor is doing that with their family.![]()