Actually sunny here in London UK for once. Still quite chilly though.
Actually sunny here in London UK for once. Still quite chilly though.
"Christmas: it's not the giving, it's not the getting, it's the loving." - Garfield
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It's been so warm here for February - record highs in the 70's today!
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
It has been just beautiful here 68-70 here.![]()
Beautiful here too! It was 76 degrees here yesterday, a record high for a February day here - warmest February day since they started keeping records! Today is overcast and cooler. Supposed to snow tomorrow!
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
Sunny and warm.
When it seems the magic slipped away...
We find it all again on Christmas Day.
*Seeing isn't believing.Believing is seeing.*
Cooler with high winds here about 30 here.![]()
Going to be 50-60's today.![]()
Going to be in the 60's today and i'll enjoy it.![]()
Beautiful day - warm and sunny here!
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
Windy and sunny.
When it seems the magic slipped away...
We find it all again on Christmas Day.
*Seeing isn't believing.Believing is seeing.*