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Thread: [GAME] Have you Ever?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Franklin, TN
    YES!!!! Several years ago my wife, oldest daughter and I went to Panama City Beach in the fall. While we were there, hurricane Erin decided to strike. It rained non-stop for all 4 days. On our last day, it looked like the sun was finally going to come out. As soon as we got our blanket spread out on the beach, the rain came again in sheets. We went back to the hotel, packed our bags and headed home.

    Have you ever bought something, thinking you would use it all the time, only to have it do nothing but collect dust?
    "The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear."

  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Henderson, Nevada
    Yes. A carpet steam cleaner for the stairs. I think I used it once in the past 5 years. Still in the garage playing with all the fur bunnies.

    Have you a made a dish which tasted awesome to you, only to have someone say it tasted weird/awful?
    A Christmas hug should last a lifetime

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Sioux Falls, SD
    Yes. Made a meatloaf using seasoned stuffing instead of bread crumbs. I thought it gave it a bit of zest, my the wife said... Please do not do that again!

    Have you ever bought someone else a Christmas gift and then wanted it for yourself (you still gave it to them of course)?
    "Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps, means a little bit more!"

  4. #34
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Henderson, Nevada
    No... I wonder how I would handle that situation.. Knowing me I would keep it. lol

    Have you ever accidentally broke something that was not yours and never told the owner?
    A Christmas hug should last a lifetime

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Sioux Falls, SD
    For that... no.

    Have you ever invited someone over to dinner and later regretted doing it?
    "Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps, means a little bit more!"

  6. #36
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Henderson, Nevada
    ohh yes... they got sloppy drunk and broke my heart and our friendship.

    Have you ever ate out of the candy bins at the market without paying?
    A Christmas hug should last a lifetime

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Connecticut, USA
    No- I was way too afraid of getting caught!

    Have you ever jumped into a pile of leaves? (I did- all I can say is that Charlie Brown made it look a heck of a lot more fun than it was. ouch.)
    The holly's up, the house is all bright, The tree is ready, the candles alight; Rejoice and be glad, all children tonight.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Sioux Falls, SD
    Yes - But so long ago, only a mere memory remains... I had to rake it back up again...

    Have you ever made a promise to do something you knew was somewhat wrong, but did it anyway?
    "Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps, means a little bit more!"

  9. #39
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Henderson, Nevada
    Nope. I get into enough trouble on my own, I don't need to add someone else's bloopers to my life.

    Have you ever needed to ask a stranger for some TP while in a public restroom?
    A Christmas hug should last a lifetime

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Sioux Falls, SD
    Thankfully no...

    Ever buy a Christmas gift very early and then forget where you put it?
    "Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps, means a little bit more!"

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