Last snowfall before Santa arrives...
Last snowfall before Santa arrives...
"Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps, means a little bit more!"
Good one!
Sweet Christmas bells ringing over the land.
The holly's up, the house is all bright, The tree is ready, the candles alight; Rejoice and be glad, all children tonight.
Days preparing for the "Most Wonderful Time of the Year"...
R -
"Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps, means a little bit more!"
Rapidly approaching, the holiday season is!
The holly's up, the house is all bright, The tree is ready, the candles alight; Rejoice and be glad, all children tonight.
Santa style stockings at the house and ready to fill...
"Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps, means a little bit more!"
Leaves turning color? Christmas is almost here!
The holly's up, the house is all bright, The tree is ready, the candles alight; Rejoice and be glad, all children tonight.
"Every" day brings us all closer to another expected sleigh ride on the 24th...
"Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps, means a little bit more!"
Happy thoughts of Christmas while sitting in the summer sun.
The holly's up, the house is all bright, The tree is ready, the candles alight; Rejoice and be glad, all children tonight.
Noel. Thinking about the meaning... to be born.
"Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps, means a little bit more!"