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Thread: Name of song from the 70's, stuck in my head.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2022
    North Carolina

    Name of song from the 70's, stuck in my head.

    Hi all
    New to forum.
    I have a song in my head from childhood, somewhere in the 70's.Asked my whole family and only mom has a tiny recollection of it.
    Thankfully i can't sing it to you, as i have done to so many people at this point, LOL.
    I think it was on a children's album. So here are "some" of the lyrics:

    Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, children often say to you, but i wonder if they ever stop and wonder why they do.

    many, many years ago, way up north in the land of snow and her name was Merry Christmas(might be Mary),
    She lived next store to Santa Claus when Santa was a boy and as he teach him to make toys,
    And that's the reason children say Merry Christmas on this day, it's Santa Clauses...of thanking Merry Christmas(or Mary)

    Lots of blanks but that is what i have.
    Anyone have an idea?

    Thanks Ed

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Connecticut, USA
    Hi, there.

    I'm sorry- it's not ringing any bells. I asked my mother about it also and she can't come up with anything either.

    Good luck in figuring it out- I hate trying to locate something from the past with no clue where to look!
    The holly's up, the house is all bright, The tree is ready, the candles alight; Rejoice and be glad, all children tonight.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2022
    North Carolina
    Hey Mistletoe
    Thanks for the reply.
    It's tough, I've asked everyone one i know and no one has a clue. I know to much of the song for it to be made up so it's out there just have to figure it out.

    Again Thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Sioux Falls, SD
    Not ringing any bells here either. Have you tried Wiki? Good luck...
    "Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps, means a little bit more!"

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