My emotions are a bit all over the place...
Usual warmness inside that the seasons are changing and winter is upon us
Excitement that this month is my birthday month and the Dr Who 50th Anniversary special (episode and convention!), excitement that my friend is back from Afghanistan, excitement that my daughters will turn 4 next month and then of course excitement that it will be Christmas very shortly after!
Sadness that my husband and I separated this year, sadness that he won't be there on Christmas morning, sadness that my bed is cold and empty at night, loneliness...
Comfort that we will see him on Christmas day, happy that he has invited us (me and the children) to have Christmas dinner at his new house, happy that the girls will get to see their Dad on Christmas day etc.
It's very confusing and bittersweet. I like to think I keep the happy feelings at the surface most of the time though - Nothing like walking through M&S and seeing the Christmas decorations out, walking through the park and seeing the oranges and reds all over, crunching through leaves on the ground, making fresh pumpkin soups and winter stews etc. This is a happy time of year indeed