Thanks to everyone for your help with the animated "Christmas Carol" I was looking for. Mama vadare says that's probably it, she just thought it was all b&w instead of the somewhat muted colors in this one.
Anyway, Mama vadare and I watched the musical version of "Christmas Carol" (the one with Kelsey Grammer) last night. I'd forgotten that Jesse L. Martin played GofCPresent in that one.
Now here's a question...what is your favorite scene in any of these versions? I think mine is always the one where GofCPresent opens his coat to reveal Ignorance and Want. It absolutely makes Scrooge (and, consequently the rest of us) actually face our own ignorance and greed. When GofCPresent shoots his own words back at him...very very powerful.
Good question!
Wow, what scene...
I guess for me it's at the beginning of the story, as they are working Christmas Eve afternoon, and Scrooge's nephew, Fred,comes in all full of the Christmas spirit. That scene somehow captures the Christmas Eve afternoon feel for me, not sure why.
But I bet if you asked tomorrow, I'd have a different answer!
Muppets version
I love the Muppet version for sure!!!!!!!! However Alastair Sim is the best Scrooge ever for me!!!
It is hard to beat the classics!!!!
think again, your army of many thousands of readers will not understand you, forgive !
fully support , the same thoughts were .
There are some who don't like it, but I loved the Jim Carrey version. I thought it was just beautiful and the most true to the book. I love it!
I enjoy Patrick Stewarts & George C. Scotts as well but my absolute favorite is Alastair Sim!Just love it and they rarely show it anymore.When my nephew was about 7 he used to watch it with me and took a liking to the scene where Jacob Marley appears to Scrooge for the first time and proceeded to quote it during the whole Christmas season lol.His favorite line being"You do not know the weight & length of the strong coil that you bare!It was as long and heavy as this 7 Christmas eve's ago and you have labored on it since....ahhh it is a ponderous chain"LOL.
But yeah Alastair Sim is my favorite
I don' like this story and I don't know why!!!
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas