Welcome Calypso
Welcome Calypso
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
Hello all. My name is Max. I am here to do a lil research for my blogs/lenses so I can get them up and running in time for x-mas. Of course I will contribute back to the community when possible. If anyone wants to see my most current work it is at http://www.squidoo.com/disney-christmas-store Still kinda a work in progress but feel free to enjoy the roots of my labor. :D
Welcome Max
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
Thank you for your warm welcome .... Tinkerbell2, Papa Christmas and Ornamentmaven
Welcome to our group, Sheena, CC, and Max. It's so much fun to meet new members.
"Hail him who saves you by his grace,
and crown him Lord of all."
Calypso and Max
Merry Snowy Christmas
Love & Peace to the World
My Christmas Blogs:
- My most popular Christmas blog: KrisKringleForSingles dot blogspot dot com
- HolidaySingleGirldot blogspot dot com
- SilverandGoldChristmas dot blogspot dot com
Thank you for your warm welcome ... Marshmallow World, SnowAngel,*Snowflake*, SilverBells et al ...
I'm still finding my way around here and so much to read ... it'll probably take me until Christmas....LOL