salad, turkey and many more. mom's cooking is the best. hehehe
salad, turkey and many more. mom's cooking is the best. hehehe
Christmas Costumes -
this will be 6 years of pizza for me now, lol. never was a big fan of turkey
stuffing made with arborio rice, small salami chunks, ground beef, mozzarella and parmesan cheese + turkey!
My Christmas Blogs:
- My most popular Christmas blog: KrisKringleForSingles dot blogspot dot com
- HolidaySingleGirldot blogspot dot com
- SilverandGoldChristmas dot blogspot dot com
a turkey that juicy and cooked properly is my fav Thanksgiving main food
pumpkin pie with home made whipped cream is my fav Thanksgiving dessert. Both of these I usually only once a year, on Thanksgiving
My very favorite Thanksgiving food is stuffing. I just LOVE stuffing......Don't eat a lot though as it is real fattening....But I love it !!!
Since I have been cooking Thanksgiving dinner (with only a few years off) since 1979, I get to chose my own menu and I love every item! Appetizers: spinach balls, stuffed cherry tomatoes. Main: Roast turkey with gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, candied yams, homemade cranberry sauce, green beans amondine, scallopped corn, relish platter, rolls. Desserts: apple pie, pumpkin pie, mince pie and about 10 other desserts that my guests bring.
Last edited by ornamentmaven; 09-15-2010 at 10:52 PM.
I wish we celebrated Thanksgiving in the UK. I love the idea of serving lots of home baked pies!!!!
Equally Id love to attend a thanksgiving dinner hopefully next year when we relocate a kind neighbour may take pity!
NCD - are you moving to the USA?
Top two favorites are definitely white turkey breast with gravy for main course and homemade apple pie for dessert
Scallopped Corn is great!