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Thread: A Christmas movie it seems like only 3 people ever watched :( Help me find it please!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Question A Christmas movie it seems like only 3 people ever watched :( Help me find it please!

    Hi everyone, I'm new here and look forward to chatting about all things festive with you

    I am, however, on a mission. I have been on said mission for... ohh, about 6 years now. And since I'm 19, that's basically my entire teenage life. What is this mission? It is to find a Christmas animated short movie that I watched as a child. I'll begin with a bit of back story, feel free to skip through my ramblings and just read the description of the movie further down if you want. I just talk too much.

    I can't remember its title or the entire plot, but remember moments of it, and more importantly, remember how sentimental I got about watching it every year as a child, as part of the annual "spend December watching the same old videos over and over and getting overexcited" tradition which yes, I still hold now. It's only July, and "Blue Toes the Christmas Elf" is already on standby

    Anyway, I digress. Oops. After suddenly losing any idea of where this movie came from, and realising that since I hadn't watched it in a few years I had no idea where it was, at about 12 or 13 I began a hunt for it. Problem was, my mum barely remembered it. She mentioned that she'd given some videos to charity shops the previous year, but didn't know what I was talking about so couldn't tell me if it was in the pile. I was distraught. Every year since then, I've typed things into Google, ransacked my attic, asked everyone I know, and to no avail.

    But then last year, I began my annual search. Having gone to Uni, I asked my new friends. My vague babblings about abominable snowmen made them laugh and assume I was being my usual odd self, but they had no idea what I meant. So I resorted to Google again and as if by magic, I found someone who remembered the cartoon. Someone 7 years older than me, and over in the USA (I'm in the UK). They were on a forum site desperately searching for this cartoon. But no-one remember it. I e-mailed this person and we realised that only me, them and their sister remembered the cartoon. So despite our joint efforts, another Christmas passed by with no trace

    It's July now, and I'm giving myself the 4 and a half months till Advent to finally find it. So I hope you lovely people can help me! I'd be more grateful than I can say.


    It's from the 1980s or early 90s, and is in 2D cartoons. Not particularly high-budget. The story is hazy in my memory, but it involves some kids who live on a snowy mountain, I *think* with Santa. But there are also horrible abominable snow monsters who live in the forests of the mountain. They are big and white with tiny beady eyes hidden by a really long shaggy fringe. The children are warned to stay away from these monsters, but for some reason they end up in the woods. I think they're either rescuing someone or looking for a Christmas tree, it's so hard to remember so far back! My new-found friend in the US reminded me of a bit in which the children leave food out for a rabbit which is being chased by a fox, and another moment when a reindeer kicks the abominable snow monster's bottom and leaves a hoof print, which the snow monster sulks off to show his friends.
    Another moment I remember is the children going ice-skating. They're all wearing puffy bomber jackets and hats and scarves and mittens. One of the kids is quite chubby. I think, but am not certain, that they have a dog too.
    At the end of the movie/short, the children are running down the mountain away from the monsters, and the villagers scare them away. They then make a wooden sign with a cartoon of the monster's face on it with either a line through it or some other way of saying they're not allowed. I'm pretty sure there's then a moment where one of the kids alters the picture somehow, like making it squint or giving it bigger teeth or something, and everyone laughs. That's another uncertain memory though. *Sigh*

    Anyway, I've written a mini essay instead of a sensible first post. Sorry all! I'm just so so so desperate to find this thing, and I've spent so long. The person I spoke to last year gave me a glimmer of hope and vice versa, but once again we couldn't have the nostalgic fun of watching it just before Christmas.

    If anyone can help me, I will be quite literally forever in your debt. And I will dance around like this for about 6 days:

    Thanks in advance!!!

    B xxx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    The Holiday Worlds of Old
    Hi Buzzby and to the forums!

    I wish I could say that I know exactly what Christmas movie you're talking about, but sadly it doesn't sound very familiar to me. You've come to the right place, however, and I'm sure between all of our wonderful members here who love Christmas and all the movies and music and decorations that go with it, someone will be able to offer you some help. I'll ask around my family and friends and see if anyone remembers it. I hope you continue to come back and post with us all and I wish you the best of luck in your search!

    Talk to you soon,
    Bob, Forum Moderator
    Bob, Forum Moderator

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Thank you very much Mr. Moderator, and I look forward to talking to other people as daft, merry and festive as me... as early as July. I feel like I've finally found home.

    Ah, it's a shame that you're one of the millions of people who don't remember it, but yes, hopefully someone out there will remember it! I'd be so excited to e-mail the person I spoke to in the USA and tell them "Guess what, Merry Christmas, I have a gift for you" with the answer to our quest.

    Thankyou for the welcome!!!

    Bee x
    "Just leave me your stardust to remember you by..."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    The Holiday Worlds of Old
    Quote Originally Posted by Buzzby View Post
    Thank you very much Mr. Moderator, and I look forward to talking to other people as daft, merry and festive as me... as early as July. I feel like I've finally found home.

    Ah, it's a shame that you're one of the millions of people who don't remember it, but yes, hopefully someone out there will remember it! I'd be so excited to e-mail the person I spoke to in the USA and tell them "Guess what, Merry Christmas, I have a gift for you" with the answer to our quest.

    Thankyou for the welcome!!!

    Bee x
    I think you'll be a perfect fit for our little Christmas family! Hopefully someone can offer you some help on here...

    Have fun exploring the forums and let me know if you have any questions!

    ~Bob, AKA Mr. Moderator (I like that title, thanks! )
    Bob, Forum Moderator

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Arlington VA USA (Across the bridge from Fantasyland)
    Well this is a real long shot, but by any chance do you know the studio that produced it? Even if you don't know, you might be able to guess by the style. For example the Disney, Hanna-Barbara, and Warner Brothers cartoon all have (well used to have) fairly exclusive looks. I could always tell what company it was by looking at the style of animation. The worst IMO was Filmation. They seemed to take cheap to a new unentertaining level. They're gone now. If you have an idea, you might want to start Googling the company name to find out what shows they have done.
    Good Luck!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Connecticut, USA
    Welcome Buzzby!

    I thought for a minute you were going to describe a cartoon that I was remembering pieces of recently, but I'm afraid yours doesn't sound the slightest bit familiar to me.

    The one I was remembering was a tall skinny guy who wore sunglasses (?) all the time and was a bully. All the kids were ice skating on a pond and he fell through. Even though he always harrassed all the other kids, they all made a chain out onto the ice and pulled him from the water. He was a changed person after that. I never liked that cartoon and I don't particularly want to see it again, but it stuck in my mind and I wondered why I never saw or heard about it ever. Maybe nobody else liked it either!
    The holly's up, the house is all bright, The tree is ready, the candles alight; Rejoice and be glad, all children tonight.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by JollyElfDC View Post
    Well this is a real long shot, but by any chance do you know the studio that produced it? Even if you don't know, you might be able to guess by the style. For example the Disney, Hanna-Barbara, and Warner Brothers cartoon all have (well used to have) fairly exclusive looks. I could always tell what company it was by looking at the style of animation. The worst IMO was Filmation. They seemed to take cheap to a new unentertaining level. They're gone now. If you have an idea, you might want to start Googling the company name to find out what shows they have done.
    Good Luck!

    Unfortunately not, I was just a kid when I watched it and didn't pay much attention to the animation as such. I just remember it was 2D and not overly distinctive.

    I'll try the company names you mentioned, do you happen to know any others I could try out?

    "Just leave me your stardust to remember you by..."

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I'm going to post this on a few other Christmas forum sites. Not that I don't love this site enough I'm just so determined to find this movie! So I'm going to copy and paste it a few places and keep hoping!!!
    "Just leave me your stardust to remember you by..."

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    welcome Buzzby!

    Good luck with your mission. If I may suggest posting it on another site called my merry christmas I bet dvdguy can tell you the name of it. He is real informative.
    Wishing you many hot cocoa mornings and firesky nights throughout the new year!

    (((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) Everybody Needs a Hug
    It changes your metabolism ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Thumbs up

    Dvdguy has joined the mission! With two forums to help maybe I will succeed. That would be a very nice present this year :-)
    "Just leave me your stardust to remember you by..."

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