Lol love any and all things christmas never been a huge qvc fan but after reading these posts I'm gonna have to give it another chance
Type: Posts; User: Mr. Christmas
Lol love any and all things christmas never been a huge qvc fan but after reading these posts I'm gonna have to give it another chance
That sounds great or eggnog milkshakes and play land redone into a Christmas village for the kids
wal-mart has 70% off christmas pods, what a deal!:xmaskiss:
Chicken soup for the Christmas soul:presents3:
:elf2:I love any and all Christmas movies-any ideas would be great...Thanks:):gelf:
:waving:You are listening to Christmas music in your car when its 73 out today, :)
We love Christmas all year long, when I'm stressed out it relaxes me what a great time of year!@
I love Christmas I listen to Christmas music and we watch movies all year long:santa:
I LOVE the fanpop site! It has a ton a Christmas movies to watch.
Watched the flintstones save Christmas w my boys
Lol, sounds fun
we love the rudolph movies!:) and i wish I had an original copy of A Charlie browns Christmas, The one with the coca-cola ads in it.My son just watched Bernstain bears Christmas love it!
My sons love Christmas music we listen to it all year long in the car.
I love spending time w the family on Thanksgiving..But sadly this year I have to It will be left overs for me.
I love it!
Yeah I loove the new glasses, looked them up on line, They go for 26 bucks a piece, I paid 49 cents for 2 lol.
I love eggnog yummy everytime i come home from the store , my wife says'more eggnog?..dont you have enough already?" Today I also got 2 really cool looking glasses for my wife and i to drink from...
I would love to take the family to see the tree, I also want to take them ice skating there and visit the Fao store.
I love the Holiday pods that they have out, like golden french toast, spicy eggnog is my favorite.
Yea I love the smell of them too..If I have a bad day.Just coming in the house and smelling them relaxes me.
its sooo good...whats scalloped potatos?
I love Rudabega its kinda like a squash..yum
Love the plate and bowl set..where did u get them?
So cute we have something like that around here called Elf on a Shelf..
Just got a big bag of the scented pine 'em also a fireplace.