Being from the uk, i love old British TV at Christmas. These are favoiurites.
1) Blackadder's Christmas carol
2) father Ted
3) league of gentlemen
5) two Ronnie's (both specials)...
Type: Posts; User: Winterseve
Being from the uk, i love old British TV at Christmas. These are favoiurites.
1) Blackadder's Christmas carol
2) father Ted
3) league of gentlemen
5) two Ronnie's (both specials)...
Leauge of gentleman, Christmas special.....
Im watching a bit of albert Finney as Ebeneezer scrooge....
Batman: return of the caped crusader.
A new animated film, based on the 60's batman tv series. Voiced by adam west, burt ward, and julie newmar....
Comic books in the uk arent like those in America. Their more cartoon/humour based. The greatest of the two were the beano and the dandy.
The highlight of many childrens Christmas's was the beano...
Im going to be filling a stocking with some make up....
Laid in bed, listening to christmas songs and rain sound....
Ive started my official christmas viewing over the weekend....
On friday classic british movie channel, talking pictures, had 'the christmas tree' on. An obscure britrish childrens movie from 1966...
Home alone 2 and while you were sleeping.:elf3:
Holiday inn
Muppets christmas Carol
Scrooge (Alister sim)
Nightmare before Christmas
We had a christmas cassette going up. It was an easy listening mix.
Aside from white christmas, have yourself a merry little Christmas, and santa baby (on of my fav's.), it was full of songs like...
My favourite presents were.....
A gameboy
The beano annual
Lots of lego
Ive got to get my nephews birthday out of the way yet.....
But at the shop i work at, ive been putting out lots of toys for Christmas.
Getting autumnal.....
Im gonna play fast and loose with my list, if you dont mind. And stick a few less then cosy films in to....
1.) Muppets christmas Carol
2.) Its a wonderful life
3.) Nightmare before christmas...
Seasonal greetings, one and all. Its getting cold and dark outside, and i thought it might be cosy to discuss all things yuletide.....