I am starting today!
Type: Posts; User: ladyice
I am starting today!
Looks amazing!
I am sorry to hear of your loss Mike.
Can't wait to see it this year!
Hi steph! How have you been?
Just have to put the Halloween stuff away and it's all Christmas!
Can't wait to see your display this year!
My backyard is now decorated. I put 2 more trees up too.
I look forward to your posts each year Mike :)
I bought a new tree 7.5 foot with white lights and frosted
I like the reindeer one where are you ordering from?
Will you be making changes to your tree? Yes I bought a new one and sold the old one lol It was getting too heavy last year I had an awful time lifting it.
Will you add something to your...
I usually start now. I do Halloween and Christmas plans at the same time because I love all the holidays during the seasons.
Looks very pretty!
I have one tree left, everything else is up. Even the outside decorations.
That is so pretty!
My living room tree is blue and silver. The home office tree has the Nutcracker Suite theme on it.
Sometimes I add to it but just a few things here and there.
I don't mind one or two, I think when the whole yard is filled with them they look kind of bad.
I like displays and lights moreso, with one or two at the most that add to what's there.
the sightings are starting! I haven't seen any yet but expect too in the next week or so... def by the weekend of 11/14
Please do I'd love to see it :)
What kind of village do you have? I have Dept 56 Christmas in the City :) I love it
Good thoughts to all in the thread who've had a tough year. I hope you are all doing better and hang in there. I know what you mean about 2010, it's been hard. But I refuse to be down, Christmas...
I haven't been to the malls recently, but they should be pulling stuff out by now. The local stores around here are.. Lowes has most of their stuff out as of this weekend. I would guess Target is...
Some do.. nearly everyone puts candles in their windows and wreath on the door... after that, some really go all out and decorate roofs and windows, yards ect
Here we go! Halloween is over, time for the big holiday!
Started to plan out today what I am doing :elf1: woooo!
I think I am doing silver and blue themes again this year. How about you...
I have it on now. This weekend for me is the start of Christmas countdown for me :) I love this time of year!