So lovely! :elf3:
I love the blanket with reindeers:smitten::smitten::smitten:
Type: Posts; User: EllfGirl
So lovely! :elf3:
I love the blanket with reindeers:smitten::smitten::smitten:
So beautiful! I love it:elf3::smitten:
Looks pretty, MissSantaClaus:elf3: I can't wait to see Christmas decorations in my country's stores:smitten:
Thank you Snowflake. He is becoming slower and more peaceful as getting older and older. He could sleep all day long if there is nothing more interesting to do. Rocky is already 11 years old already...
That's interesting! I never thought turles would eat meat.... :elf3:
Here are some photos from today: :rudolph::snowman:
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How cute! I see he really loves his brush:smitten: my dog hates it...
Aww:rudolph: so fluffy and cute!
Thank you Snowflake! Oh I love your turtle! Nala seems so lovely:smitten:. What does she eat?
MissSantaClaus, your new hamster is such a cutie! :smitten:I used to have 3 hamsters many years ago,...
Yes, thank you Miss Santa Claus. His name is Rocky and he is 11 years old already. :elf1::rudolph: I will post more photos of him later...
I thought it would be great to bring this thread alive! :elf3::rudolph:
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So true:elf3: I will wait till November too to start playing all Christmas songs and watching Christmas movies:smitten:
I also love Coca Cola commercials:elf3: they bring Christmas spirit:smitten::christmastree:
I use all kinds of decorations, in different colors:christmastree::santa:
rootie-toot-toots and rum-a-tum tums.
Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town.:santa1:
Oh they are lovely, Olga! :elf3:
I don't listen to Christmas music in Spring or Summer, only in Autumn and Winter:santa:
I'm browsing the net to look at Christmas photos, listening to Christmas music and watching Christmas movies :elf3::smitten:
Santa Claus is coming to town.
He's making a list:santa1:
He led them down the street of town, right to the traffic cop:snowman:
So he said: " Let's run and we will have some fun now, before I melt away." :snowman:
I already bought gloves for all my cousins, still need to think of something else too:santa:
Oh Frosty the snowman was alive as he could be:snowman:
He was made of snow, but the children know he came to life one day. :snowman:
I need a new laptop but Santa is not that rich :sad elf:
But I know I will like it whatever I get:santa:
Great stuff TIATIA! :elf3:
I especially love the towel:smitten: