Excuuuuuuuse me! :cold:
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Excuuuuuuuse me! :cold:
Excuse me ... but I need to do something productive
Excuse me...bu the house cleaning is NEVER one!
excuse me..but it's chillin time.
Excuse me. Been a busy Saturday so far.
Excuse me...but I am starting to feel better
Excuse me...but I really need to do some laundry!!!
Excuse me.....time is flying now...:christmasdinner:
excuse me..but weather is totally not for summer.
Excuse me... but I think the dishwasher repairman fixed the dishwasher yesterday - but caused a leak in the pipes
Excuse me, but my 20 year old daughter is leaving for Stony Brook University in exactly three weeks. I'm really going to miss her smiling face!
Excuse me have to share QVC Christmas on all day Aug,22nd.:elf3:
Excuse me, but...when is this summer over??????? I feel sooo exhausted, with so high temps the last 2 months, Gosh!!!
Excuse me...but I need to spice things up a bit!!!
Excuse me but,are we chatting christmas lol,trees,decor.:waving:
Excuse me... but my daughter was just involved in an incident on the highway. A truck passed her, and as he did, something flew off the top of the truck and crashed down on her car roof - shattering her sunroof. Glass flew all over the inside of the car. She tried to flag him down, but he wouldn't pull over. Luckily, she only has a small cut on her hand and is now talking to the police. Just another "normal" day in our house.
Excuse me but, glad your daughter wasn't hurt any more than that, OM. Too bad the guy didn't have the decency to stop
Excuse me...10 more days until the "ber" months!!
Excuse me...but it is so quiet here!
Excuse me...but 4 months from TODAY!!!!
excuse me..but it's summer now officially over ?
Excuse me, but I believe Summer officially ends somewhere around the 2nd week of September.
Excuse me...but autumn officially starts September 23rd and I can't wait - it has been SOOO hot these last few days
Excuse me...but I'm so tired of this heat!!!
Excuse me, but tomorrow will be a high of 85, then on Friday the high will be 69!!! Can't wait for that "Fall-like" chill!!
Excuse me...but I need a maid!!!
Excuse me...but my Mom (83 yrs old), went for a walk yesterday and fell face down on the sidewalk. She broke her cheek bone and needed stitches, but is otherwise okay, thank God!
Excuse me, but YIKES!!
Excuse me just got my own home i didn't want to say anything until i had it well,i'm moved in and enjoying every minute never thought i'd have my own but,i said it's about time so yes i'm a homeowner lol never thought i'd use those words what a way to celebrate October going to have a little housewarming party this weekend.:elf3::elf3:
Thank you.:waving:
Excuse me...but the leaves are really starting to pile up outside!
Excuse me, but Happy Thanksgiving ChantelleJoy and everyone else in Canada! :) Hope your day has been great!
Excuse me...but I wsh I could sleep more than 4 hours a night
excuse me..but weather outside is horrible.