Excuse me...but I need to work on my Christmas crads
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Excuse me...but I need to work on my Christmas crads
Excuse me, but it took me 5 hours to put up my outdoor lights yesterday. And about 4 trips back and forth to the store to keep getting more. I cannot understand how I am the only person I know who has a very frequent problem with half a strand of lights going out, depending on how the wire bends!
Excuse me, Mistletoe, but you're not the only one with frequent light issues. While getting my outdoor lights out on Saturday, I had to throw away 2 strands of lights for the very same reason. Thankfully, Home Depot had their 100-light sets on sale for $1.88, so I bought 5 sets and used them all!:gingerhouse:
Excuse me, but I am definitely missing something here. I paid over $200 for the lights I just bought (from Target)!
When I took the lights down last winter I threw out all the strands that were half out- I didn't want to take the chance they'd move again and I wouldn't be able to tell that those were faulty strands. When I brought up the lights this year 75% were bad, just from sitting in storage. Instead of trying to replace the bad ones, I decided to just start fresh with all new "heavy duty" strands, since I knew the problem was the wire and not the bulbs. I bought 7 reels of 400 lights each and decided to get a box of 100, in case I needed just a little extra somewhere. Well, I got all the reels on there and was starting to put the boxed ones up when the boxed strand kept going on and off, depending on how the wire bent. So, APPARENTLY, "heavy duty" mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. My only hope is that the strands that were on the reels are in better shape from not being kinked. The lights that are up look nice, but as I know, a good wind can upset the wires and they can shut off at the most inopportune times!
I wish it wasn't so, but I'm glad that you two share in my misery. lol
Excuse me mistletoe...but happy to share in your misery!!! I set up my outside lights today and ended up throwing out several strands that I know were fine when I boxed them up last year. Anyway, since we took down several large shrubs this year, I had to rethink my traditional design. I ended up putting up far fewer lights than in the past. I was in a rush to get them up today, with the snow storm coming tomorrow morning. At least I should save on energy costs!
Excuse me want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving,need to get back to prepping for tomorrow.:santa1:
Excuse me....but so much to do!!!:presents1:
Excuse me, but I'm not ready to be a Senior Elf- I like being a Reindeer Handler! I have to slow down! :reindeer2:
Excuse me...but this is fun. I was planning to go to a local Christmas craft fair, but looks like I won't have a car available to get there! Oh well, I could stand saving some money
Excuse me...but I really hate cleaning!
Excuse me, but this is my 1000 post. That means I've posted approximately 166 times per year. It hasn't seemed like that many. I am now officially a Senior Elf. I remember the good old days of being a Decorator and a Candy Maker...a Toymaker and Doorkeeper...
Congrats Mistletoe!
Excuse me, but my title didn't change when I hit 4000. :(
Excuse me...but I had a 6 hour round trip drive yesterday to visit a client, and I listened to Christmas music both ways!!!
Excuse me,crappy winter here i really need spring,anyone know a spring dance lol.:elf3:
Excuse me, but both of my daughters are on airplanes as we speak (two separate planes) on their way to Las Vegas for the weekend to celebrate their birthdays. Seven girls in total are going, plus they are meeting their cousin Robin there. Robin lives on the west coast - so they don't see each other often. I know they will have a great time - I just always worry about flying!
Excuse me, but It is so cold that I cannot imagine that it will ever warm up - EVER!
excuse me...but spring has come.
excuse me, but it's really hard to get back in the work-mode after being at the beach for a week.....
Excuse me...but it snowed a couple inches here last night! UGH!!!
Excuse me... but it is raining again today! At least the snow is basically gone out of my yard. Only several small patches left! Can't wait for it to warm up (and clear up) a bit so I can start doing some gardening!
Excuse me...but We got a little snow here yesterday too, snowflake!
Excuse me...but Happy April Fool's Day and we were pranked here last night by even more snow!!! (No joke)
Excuse me...but in approximately 4 1/2 months, Halloween decorations will be showing up in stores!! WOOHOO!!!!
Excuse me Mike...but I just love the Halloween decorations, and the fall in general!
Excuse me...I'm sad today..:sad elf:
Excuse me...but cheer up Tink!
Excuse me, but we had a wonderful Easter weekend! My son sang with the choir for Easter service. The ham & cheesy potatoes were perfect! I went to bed very happy last night!! :)
Excuse me...but I sure could use a nap right now!!
Excuse me...but there is always so much going on in this house - I can't keep up!
Excuse me...but TGIF
Excuse me...but there are a bunch of things I need to attend to, but I keep making excuses not to!!!
Excuse me...but the laundry is really piling up!