I would like to hear if you guys have been noticing the past few years their are a huge decline in family and friends receiving christmas cards...Is it getting to the stage that sending christmas cards are a thing of the past.:elf2:
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I would like to hear if you guys have been noticing the past few years their are a huge decline in family and friends receiving christmas cards...Is it getting to the stage that sending christmas cards are a thing of the past.:elf2:
Yes it's been declining for the last 15 years. I used to receive cards from almost everyone I sent to. Now I get about 45 to 50 cards and send about 65 - down from a high of 110! It really makes me sad, but i have been eliminating people from my list once I go 3 years without receiving a card in return. There are several people I've noticed who send cards every other year. Miss it terribly!
This is a tradition that's unfortunately fading away fast. We still send out around 85-90, and we usually receive about 50.
Yes. Between my family and friends I send out about 50-60 and I only get back between 40-50.. So those who don't send back 2 years in a row, I stop sending starting the 3rd year. It tells me they just are not interested. and I'm ok with that.
I'm sure that with all the instant cards and greetings that can be sent and obtained over cell phones, the old fashioned greeting card exchange is dying some. But I enjoy sending them and receiving them (the sending is the best part). I always keep six of my favorite cards received and place them in a frame I have set aside for just that purpose. They remain until the following year.
And hey... nothing from stopping us in 2018!!! :candycane1:
Ours have dwindled quite a bit over the last 10 years. We used to have them everywhere, now it's looking rather sparse.
I know the thought is there with e-cards, but I much prefer getting an actual card- seems warmer, and I like the tradition. Christmastime is one of the few times I actually enjoy looking through the mail.
Like most things these days, the electronic world has seemed to take the lead. But for Christmas, I still see tons of cards in the stores. To me, it seems much more personal to go through the slight effort of buying, writing a note, signing, addressing and then mailing the cards. It is still the simplest gestures that carry the most weight. BTW mine are almost done for this year, but I will wait till Thanksgiving to send them out... :xmaswink:
not mailing any this year:elf2:
As many i know will be doing e-cards as my family will be doing this it's the 12 days of christmas so all twelve days everyone will get an e-card including christmas morning as so many will be doing these mainly because of covid.They do have many beautiful ones my neighbor is doing that with their family.:christmastree:
phone text greetings, the new thing
This is my first year owning a smart phone, but I already have a stack of cards ready for the address. I think far too many of our "Christmas Traditions" have fallen by the wayside. :santa2:
This year I decided to try making Christmas greeting cards myself. This was my project that I was doing during lockdown. I decided to practice my graphic design skills and create wish cards for each member of my family. I was very lucky to find these free mockups https://www.ls.graphics/free-mockups/postcard-mockup with which I was able to make postcards without errors in size and correct format for printing on the first try. I think it might be useful for someone here too. Have you tried creating your own Christmas card designs? Did you specifically learn graphic design programs for this, or were you lucky and knew how to use these programs before?
I enjoy sending cards and taking time during the year to obtain unique ones. For some it may be "Old Hat" but for me it is much more personal to take the time to purchase, address, insert a short note or greeting and then mail it, versus getting some alert on your phone and typing a quick Christmas greeting. :elf3:
I just got a new supply of Christmas cards. Most from the Retro Card company. Receding? Possibly, but thanks to Christmas card swap, mine has increased to include CIJ cards these past couple of years... :santa2:
I still send Christmas cards to my wonderful ATC friends....been doing it since 2009 :elf3:
I saw that a lot of people left ATC unhappy. The first year after that I sent them all out, but I was getting the impression that people didn't really want to continue, so last year I stopped. I didn't want to annoy anyone. I did get yours last year (thanks :snowman:), but I thought it might only be due to my sending them out the year before. :santahat:
I will be happy to resume sending happy wishes your way. :elf1:
I never tire of good wishes. I send them because I feel it is a bit more personal than a tweet or email. I would never want someone to send to me though, just due to having received one from me. I have a Christmas card list that in all honesty, I get less than half back from those I send to. But, I never give it a second thought and it has not stopped me from sending year by year. And think of it, with all the junk mail we get every year, isn't it nice to get something from someone who asks nothing in return? You are still on my list young lady... see you in December... :gelf:
I agree with you. But I happen to know a couple people who feel pressured by getting Christmas cards, as they feel they need to reciprocate. So they go out of their way to quickly dash one off, so they don't look bad, feeling resentful in the process. Not at all what the whole thing is about.
Exactly. And the people in your life who took an extra moment of their lives... just for you!! :home:
Good to see that it is not fading away. Christmas cards are once again filling the shelves and besides the norm, the Big Christmas Swap (Facebook), just adds to the enjoyment of both giving and receiving cards from here in the states and around the world... :hopxmas:
I just got a Christmas card from Natali in Croatia- it was such a nice surprise! It put me right back in the mood. I was joking to my family that we got our first Christmas card of the year, and where should I hang it? :santahat:
Very cool indeed. I don't see me ever getting tired of sending or receiving Christmas cards... :gingerhouse:
I have to admit, that one of the things I really enjoy, is seeing some new designs on the cards. It seriously gets me in the mood... :reindeer2:
Sent out my "Christmas In July" cards last month. Found some really cool ones on the web. Also got a new batch of 'Retro Cards' for this year's list... :santasmile: