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13 Visitor Messages

  1. Adam Lambert Retro Jewelry

    Adam Lambert gets tons of iconic jewelry as this one, a 2-ancient-keys bunched necklace in gunmetal was profound and refreshing, instantly builds up his personality.
  2. View Conversation
    Hello! Haven't seen you on in a few, hope all is ok.
  3. View Conversation
    Hi, oh my goodness, everything.
  4. View Conversation
    Hi everyone, I'm new. HHHeeeelllppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. View Conversation
    I like the saying in your signature
  6. Hi.

    May I ask you a favor? You posted the copy from one of my pages in the forum (, which has caused the Google ranking to go down significantly for that page. The Google traffic went from many hits a day to zero because Google has to choose which page to send people for that content. Since this site is older, Google sees my content as the duplicate rather than the original and is now treating my page as if it has stolen copy.

    This can be remedied if you remove the text entirely or replace it with this link:

    Letters from Santa

    I would really appreciate your assistance, because this is affecting my income.

    Carla Chadwick
  7. You can build some wooden kennel for them and decorate it with sparkles!!!
  8. pretty much comes in waves. it is more fun when there are several others here with you.
  9. is there usually alot in here
  10. Hello stopped by to say hellooooo sis
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May 10
About onemagicalchristmas
I am a 38 year old Christmas lover. I have two furry kids and married to a handsome man.
plastic canvas, lighthouses, stickers, dogs, historical romances


Wishing you many hot cocoa mornings and firesky nights throughout the new year!

(((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) Everybody Needs a Hug
It changes your metabolism ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))!!!


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