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  1. yaaaaaaaaaaay.."snowflake"..3-1
  2. hi "snowflake"..are yeah watching the footie today..
  3. yup your right at least i can get to watch some of it...OMG!!..snowflake..forgot to tell yeah i bought a glass light-up snowman in the sales in january..its gorgeous..its about 3/4ft..OMG!!!..i love it to pieces..i"l post pictures nearer the time...
  4. yes the ornaments are abit expensive snowflake..but its the quality a think my friend..ive bought a few things from qvc..i"l post pictures in the festive season..yeah it really sucks that i"m going to miss qvc christmas in july..when we got the invite in the post i just froze and starred at the wife..she said whats wrong..I SAID QVC CHRISTMAS IN JULY!!!...your right i wait the entire year for this show and i"m not going to see all of it...the kids won"t last the whole night so i"m taking my laptop with me so i can watch it in the hotel room..
  5. HEY!!..glad you managed to see qvc christmas in july..our show in the uk is on thursday..i"m going to miss it to attend a wedding..
  6. i"m good thanks for asking...looking forward to the build up to christmas here on the forum..
  7. hi snowflake.....
  8. View Conversation
    Hi Snowflake...
    Got a spot of bad Arthritis, they are deciding which one I have.

    Really pleased you passed your exams, I knew you would..

    Have a good day my friend..
  9. belated birthday wishes *snowflake*...hope you had a wonderful time...
  10. i"m fine thanks for asking.....wish we had snow...we normally get loads of snow at this time off year but have had nothing...i promised the kids i would build them a snowman...but nothing yet...there"s still hope yet of snow this year....hummm!!!...can"t believe there"s only another week left in will be christmas again before we know it.....
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