Hi Tia - I did finish making my Christmas cards and have been planning what gifts to buy everyone! Once I get through Halloween this weekend, I will decorate for Thanksgiving (I already planned my menu) and then really turn my activities to Christmas! How about you?
Hi, how are you? Doing anything christmassy?
Just take it easy. At least you organized your photos Seriously now you have to have patience. The worst is over. Right?
Going good
Hi Ornamentmaven, how are you?
Thanks for accepting my friends invite! I thoroughly enjoy your posts and beautiful avatar! Have a wonderful autumn day...
Hi ornamentmaven I hope you are feeling better.. tink.
Hi ornamentmaven I'm very happy we are Christmas friends. Take care
I hope you get well soon.
Senior Elf, Associate Professor
Junior Elf
Senior Elf, Fellow
Reindeer Handler