Conversation Between ornamentmaven and *Snowflake*

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hello,we miss you here,hope everything is fine
  2. Good luck with your new college courses. My younger daughter starts college in the fall!
  3. oh,wow that's greatI'm sure you will enjoy it there,it looks so beautiful on the photosnothing really new,I'm studying,well not at the moment because I don't have college now,but from Monday new semester start.
  4. I'm going on a cruise to the Bahamas next month with my Mother and brother. What's new with you?
  5. how are you ornamentmaven ?what's new?
  6. Hello to you too!
  7. hello
  8. Got youyr card today too. Thanks so much!
  9. I also got your Christmas card but yesterday Thank you ornamentmaven, love it
  10. Merry Christmas
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
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