Conversation Between ornamentmaven and SilverBells

15 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey, I really hope you and your family are safe.
  2. Happy Birthday Suzanne

    I hope you have a wonderful day
  3. Thank you for the beautiful Christmas card OM. I received it today Made my day
  4. Hello my friend Good to see you How are you?
  5. Wish you could!
  6. I think I'll drop by. What time is good?
  7. Thanksgiving is so yummy! Veggies and sdip, Crackers and cheese, Turkey with gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, baked yams, mashed potatoes, scallopped corn, green beans amondine, zucchini bread, relish tray, rolls with butter, pumpkin pie, apple pie, peach pie, nuts, and all kinds of beverages!
  8. I'm focusing on Christmas since we don't celebrate Halloween or Thanksgiving in Greece. So what's in the Thanksgiving menu?
  9. Hi tia - Well, I just finished making my Christmas cards and have been planning what gifts I want to buy. Once I get through Halloween this weekend, I'll take those decorations down and put up my Thanksgiving ones. I already have my Thanksgiving menu planned. Then I can turn my attention fully toward Christmas! What about you?
  10. Hi, how are you? Doing anything christmassy?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
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