Conversation Between Twinklebell and tinkerbell2

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey, hope you had a good weekend.....
  2. Me ....nah....get baking, its never to early.....
  3. Awesome, you're making me want to start baking mince pies. You're a bad influence on me!
  4. I'm good been baking all day, just resting with a cuppa.
  5. Hee, not too far away Hope you're well x
  6. Hi ..

    South side of the Humber.....
    Hope your enjoying the forum...
  7. Small world Whereabouts are you? I'm north east take care x
  8. Hi Twinkerbell..

    I see your from me..

    Hope you enjoy the forum..
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8

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